KeyBank Center
PNC Arena

Free Agency

7/28/2023 • Remi Rainville

Free Agency


  Our free agency period will begin Saturday, July 29th.  That’s tomorrow.  The first round of bids will be accepted until Monday, July 31st @ 8pm Eastern time.  This year’s process has changed in order to streamline the process and save ourselves time.


  Every GM will be able to submit 5 bids per round.  There will be no top three bids moving on this year.  The top bid gets the player.  Period.  In the event of a tie, the player will go to the team that finished lowest in last year’s regular season standings.  There will be no bonus money involved.  GM’s will send an email that includes the team making the bid, the amount of money offered per year, the amount of years and the total amount of money the contract is worth.


Example:  Montreal Canadiens – Ryan O’Reilly 4 years @ 5,000,000 = 20,000,000 TOS (total overall salary) 


  The player will accept the contract worth the most over the entirety of the contract.  So O’Reilly will play 4 years @ three million (12 mil TOS) before he accepts 1 year @ 9 million (9 mil TOS).  This seems counterintuitive from a player’s perspective but this is the way we are doing it.  A Player aged 35+ can only be offered a maximum contract of three years. So if you are bidding on Jagr, he can only get three years.


  Emails will be sent to a different member of the admin team based on the player’s last name.  Please only send one email per bid and have all the information in the subject line.  We don’t want to have to dig into every email to see if there are multiple players.  At any point in the round you can choose to cancel your bid or update the amount offered.  When doing so, please write “Adjustment” or ”Cancel Bid” in the subject line along with the new information so we can delete the old email.


  At the end of round one an article will be posted declaring the winning bids.  We will then proceed to round two and every GM gets another five bids.  We will repeat this process until all relevant players have a new home.  At the end of free agency, teams will be free to sign anybody left by sending an email to Randy.  So if you need a bunch of plugs to fill your team don’t worry, you have all summer to do it.

Emails can be sent to:

Jake.friskney@gmail.com  Last names beginning with the letters A-E

ao.8@live.ca (Kirk)  Last names beginning with the letters F-J

stevenwhite@hotmail.ca  Last names beginning with the letters K-P

grabyourtshirt@hotmail.com (Remi) Last names beginning with the letters Q-T

randy_blake@hotmail.com  Last names beginning with the letters U-Z